New from Hasbrah
New from Hasbrah
I can't abide the red uniform but the rest checks out.
New from Hasbrah
I can't abide the red uniform but the rest checks out.
Spock on a Cock?
Vulcan on a Hulk Hen?
A Star Trekker on a big pecker?
Resting scowl and a giant fowl?
Half breed and an avian steed?
S'Chn T'Gai on a mount that can't fly?
Half breed and an avian steed?
Fkin Shakespeare over here. Absolutely amazing.
Look at you. I was struggling to come up with just one non-obvious one.
Well done.
Love hulk hen lol. That’s a great rhyme.
Warp ten on a big hen?
Warp three on large poultry?
Star fleet on a white meat?
S’Chn on a chook
Spock on a cock for anyone else struggling with "vulcan on a rooster."
Do NOT search "Spock on a Cock" on the open internet.
...Or do, idc, it's 2024 you can look at what you want (for now).
Vulcan on a Langshan?
I've also heard of the dessert spotted dick.
By the same logic, I assume this is a Spock'd cock?
If I'm honest, I've never heard of elf on a shelf, other than in posts like this.
Spock on Cock has been on the Internet longer than most people here.
Dude on food.