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  • It's all fun and games, until it becomes real and people buy it, then all competitors align and it's the new norm.

  • your red pixel clicking cartridge has run out. you wont be able to click on any other pixels until you refill your red pixel clicking cartridge.

    • Third party clicking cartridge detected. Please purchase a supported cartridge from Logitech, or our partnered retailers.

  • move those decimals over one.

    Add a free tier and base it around gacha mechanics.

    • Every now and then there'd be a duck hunt bird flying over your windows and it would stop turning only if clicked. This is accumulative, meaning you being AFK gives you two, three ducks flying over your desktop, up to the arbitrary limit of 255.

      • Ah yes and once you've reached max duck you get a 90 second ad for essential oils or you're free to click all the ducks.