Every time I put cheese on a food, I know a bald eagle crows proudly somewhere.
My country has a lot to be ashamed of, but we damn well will put cheese in a dish in an unexpected/unreasonable/unnecessary way, and it will somehow still taste good.
I do this for spicy noodle soups, like ramen, where the oil in the broth often separates. Just a sprinkling of shredded cheddar emulsifies it and makes it extra hearty 🤌
Well yeah, like the OP, the stuff that makes the meal interesting is missing. Like eating pasta without sauce, or a bowl of broth with nothing else in it.
Because I was originally planning on just having the plate of cheese until I discovered there were a couple of leftover tortillas which would make the "meal" marginally less miserable.
Though I think that melting it on the tortilla wouldn't have worked as well: the melted cheese had a wee layer of oil which I poured off onto a paper towel; also, to melt the cheese, I had to do it in a few short blasts, rearranging/"stirring" the cheese each time. I think that had I done this on the tortilla, it would have become a soggy mess.
Your question is a good one though, and I hadn't considered it until I read your comment.
DAE get really hungry, but at the same time you just don't want to eat? Not that you don't want to eat what you have, you just don't want to eat anything despite your stomach growling and hurting because it's been almost a full day without anything to eat?
My experience living alone is just rice from a rice cooker and/or whatever I feel like throwing in the air fryer or the steamer.
It's not too bad and you get a decent variety.
Steamed foods can be veggies, dumplings, etc. Air fryer for salmon, chicken, potatoes, etc.
Dont have to manage any of it other than setting a timer for when its done.
Every so often I throw together soup which is usually just tossing a lot of ingredients into a pot. That's like the most effort I really put on a daily basis.