Nintendo adds Echoes of Wisdom to the official Zelda timeline
Nintendo adds Echoes of Wisdom to the official Zelda timeline

It exists in the failure dimension, apparently

Nintendo adds Echoes of Wisdom to the official Zelda timeline
It exists in the failure dimension, apparently
It's after Tri-Force Heroes and before the decline of Hyrule Kingdom and The Legend of Zelda, on the "hero fails" branch from Ocarina of Time.
I'm still upset with the official timeline because of how they put Link's Awakening as happening before Oracle of Ages/Seasons, when it CLEARLY happens AFTER the Oracle games! Link's Awakening opens with him on a boat in a storm in the middle of the ocean, and if you do the special linked ending of the Oracle games the story ends with Link getting on a boat in the ocean sailing towards a storm. Get it together Nintendo!
The first version of the timeline had LA before correction: after Oracles, then they changed it. I'd bet it was because people were saying "this means that Link dies at the end of LA, because he's shipwrecked in the middle of nowhere" and Nintendo didn't like that so they said you know what, no, here's the proof that he doesn't die, the Oracle games happen after.
That game felt so inconsequential it could have been almost anywhere really.
It was a bit obvious they were going for the decline branch, since, well, it's yet another recycling of aLttP's world, and it's precisely the part of their "timeline" where they put all the games that they had no plan to include in a unified timeline.
But beyond that, it has almost no connection to anything else, and the plot is quite generic.