What are the best anti-work movies?
What are the best anti-work movies?
What are the best anti-work movies?
office space
To list one no one else has mentioned yet: Sorry To Bother You
this, for multiple reasons
Horse people?
I’ll give you three guesses why Disney has never greenlit a sequel to A BUG’S LIFE, and the first two guesses don’t count.
Falling down, since office space has been mentioned already.
Edit: nvm falling down was already mentioned.
These are a bit of a stretch...
Joe Vs. the Volcano
Joe Vs. The Volcano is among my favorite movies ever made.
“I know he can GET the job, but can he DO the job! … I’m not arguing that with you!”
Mr Waturi is the unsung hero of that film. As a supporting actor, he nailed the tone of the film by personifying the rank stupidity of corporate thinking.
He can definitely do the job.
Anything you watch instead of doing you job.
Go to work? Fuck that, I'm watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy instead.
You mean I'm watching the 12 hours of BTS (again).
It's more effective if you do it on the clock.
Anything in the Alien universe. Weyland-yutami do not take proper care of their employees.
Waiting... [2005]
Glad someone mentioned this gem
I'm not going to single out a movie, but 1999 had the best slate of "fuck you, cubicle" movies ever.
the first spongebob movie
Bartleby for sure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwiA8nC9C0w
I would have thought that rule 1 would be "no stupid questions" but here we are
Edit: sorry! I read the question as "anti-woke"
I did too at first, you're not alone.
Sorry to Bother You
Metropolis (1927)