I've enabled auto download and installation of updates in the settings, but somehow they are never downloaded and installed in the background, nor when I do "install all", they all prompt me for confirmation.
Is there some setting to change to make it work?
Yup, strangely enough Aurora Store works flawlessly otherwise, even just updating one app that usually triggered the confirmation dialog for me on my last phone, doesn't happen, and it just updates no questions asked
Oh thanks, done that now!
I noticed this though, I had 2 updates pending after that and the issue seemed to persist with those, is it wrong or do I have to do another round of manual updates for each app to let them be automatically updated in the subsequent versions?
I might try that, though I personally disliked using Neo store in the past, from the deliberately nonstandard UI to several times where updates just got stuck in a weird state where they are downloaded but won't install and stay there eternally, I just prefer not to rely on it, plus the official F-droid supports application archiving already (in theory, at least, I'm not seeing it yet on my device), so in terms of features it seems more at the forefront to me