Title: reference to the Fairly Odd parents meme "this is where I'd put my trophy... IF I HAD ONE"
Body: the witch sold something an is thus in customer service. Even though her profession appears to be cursing people, she found a way to feel horrible through work anyway
So, the kid is trying to give her mom an extra 6 days by exploiting the curse. I suppose I should be feeling some profound sadness or something, but instead I'm confused. Isn't the kid really just prolonging her suffering?
I thought so too but that's part of what makes it sad to me. I don't know if a kid would think about it that way, they'd just be so desperate for more time with their mom.
Maybe the artist didn't think about it that hard, I don't know.
My thoughts would be that she'll not make it through the night in any case. Having another cause of death waiting in the future doesn't mean the earlier ones aren't as effective as without. That's not how death works.
(And, actually, if she did somehow survive, the son caused her a guaranteed death date later.)
But of course it's magic, so all bets are off unless you know exactly what the rules are and how to lawyer it.
My dad almost died of a massive heart attack 5 years ago. It was bad enough that we agreed to an NDA after his 4th crash in the ICU. We joke that he heard us talking and said "screw that" because he didn't crash again and made a recovery.
He's now in the final stages of renal failure, and every extra day we got these last 5 years has been precious.
If you have family you love, go give them a hug. They won't be around forever, even if it feels like it sometimes
Boy and Mum, tears are bittersweet because they have 7 days to express a lifetime of love, but she will then die. Witch is either sad because curse is foiled, or she's got a heart and is affected by what the boy did for his mum.