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What's growing on, Beehaw?

We're having some trees removed soon (they're dying and leaning towards our house) so today I spent some time carefully relocating some volunteer lowbush blueberry plants from where the heavy machinery will be working.

What's growing on with you all?

  • The Long Dark Wet is coming, and I'm setting up in indoor grow zone for the winter. I can't wait to experiment! I'll be attempting to keep a couple peppers alive, as well as a dill, some citrus, a lemongrass,and a few other things. Some of these would be fine being dormant in our basement, but that's no fun!

    • Very cool! Are you relying on your lights and ambient heat for temperature maintenance, or are you supplementing the heat?

      • I'll have a small ambient heater in there, controlled by my home automation system! They are LED lights, so not much heat there. Our house sits around 50-60F usually, so I'm spending a bit of time making sure the insulation is good.