Gen Z Won’t Save Us
Gen Z Won’t Save Us

Young voters were supposed to “lead the evolution of our nation.” Yeah, about that …

Gen Z Won’t Save Us
Young voters were supposed to “lead the evolution of our nation.” Yeah, about that …
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Why hasn't there been a push to counter the propaganda on social media with social media?
Use short form, humorous posts that integrate facts and ideas that give a different more positive take on others. I would guess there are great writers and actors that have a progressive-ish mindset that could put something like this together.
But honestly what is the reason this hasn't been done? Or if it is being done why isn't there more of a push to get it seen?
That would require ongoing funding outside of election years. These are paid for by Mercers and Kochs or the Kremlin on the right, and i don't think Gates or Cuban is too eager to fund left-wing propaganda.
There is Holywood money in the world of progressive actors that could put something together but I don't know that world and how it works so I have no idea if it's something that is actually feasible.
You will be surprised to learn how little money the most famous actors in Hollywood actually have, that's why they're all trying to sell vagina candles and tequila.
The Hollywood elites are full of conservatives and libertarians. The elites are the suits who finance those movies like Steven Mnuchin.
Algorithms ensure that the only content that ends up getting to your eyes is content that you already agree with for the most part. Or content that you hate so much that you have an incurable urge to respond to it with swearing and vitriol. (or at least that's why I think TikTok keeps giving me Maple Maga bullshit)
In other words, you can put up whatever you want but thanks to modern social media, the only people who will ever see it are the people who already agree with you.
why I think TikTok keeps giving me Maple Maga bullshit
I mean... it shows the garbage to you, and you keep coming back..... maybe it's time to ditch tictack
If you don't control the platform, it might just be wasted efforts, although I guess they could try. But it might be that those pulling the strings can be sure that virtually no one is reached.
It's a frustratingly true response... sigh
The establishment wants to stay established, so they only use their established channels, not realizing how disconnected they became.
Why hasn’t there been a push to counter the propaganda on social media with social media?
Because the dems are also right-wing and have no credibility.
The actual left-wing is constantly pushing counter-narratives but without the massive funding of capital (eg. koch bros). No billionaire is going to fund a left-wing Prager U that talks about how billionaires are trash.
Because a lie will circle the earth a dozen times before the truth gets a foot (or whatever tf the saying is).
It is so much easier, and takes so much less time and energy to make up disinformation, than to fight it. And people on the left tend to actually care about the truth, and we also want others to understand the truth (and to gain the means for them to independently arrive at the truth), and spouting disinformation goes directly against that.
It's amazing what people are willing to do to win when you not only make it acceptable, but encourage complete disregard for ethics.