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wow it's so surprising how Trump is staffing his administration

  • #neocon don #fill the swamp #donny done it again #10D chess #trust the plan

  • Who would've guessed it was exactly what we expected?

    Libs are so convinced Trump is smoking on that Vladimir Juche necromancy global south anti-imperialism pack. They howl about everything Trump does, but at the end of the day, they believe him when he speaks.

    Trump says he would like to get along with Putin and Russia, then behaves exactly as any other neocon or lib, but the libs take him at his word. Somehow he's a lover of Kim Jong Un because he visited once on a diplomatic trip after threatening them with nuclear destruction. No policy changed after that visit, but Trump gets some iconic photos and they act like he sold the DPRK ICBMs.

    The same fuckers are runnng the show. Trump just likes to give off the impression he is making deals n shit, because his whole schtick is being a saavy businessman negotiator, and the libs run with that as if sitting at the table and giving up nothing is selling the country to "our enemies" or whatever.

    I wish we had the Trump that liberals imagine we have. They're doing everything they can to try to make him look far cooler than he is.