I was wondering, which country's exit nodes (VPN) do you use and why? Are some countries better than others (in terms of jurisdiction and laws, not latency)?
IMO if you are using a companies VPN then the larger the company, the more chance it's data is being exfiltrated. Looking at you Nord.
If you know how to host your own then your risk goes dramatically down. Although for anonymity you should choose a cloud that you don't need to give your personal info to. Good luck with that.
This is why criminals rely on hacked devices. No credit card needed.
If you are simply torrenting some media then no one is looking at you anyway. Pretty much any VPN or location would be fine for that.
Look into Romania, Poland, Switzerland and Luxembourg. All good choices. Strong privacy laws and lenient copyright laws. Not part of 5, 9 or 14 eyes either.
i mainly choose countries with strong dmca laws, anti-piracy, and authoritian regimes that might have some global influence and actual internet infrastructure