Marvel movies are not just bad in a cynical lefty over-analysis kind of way, they're shockingly and obviously fascist in ways that will be looked back on in utter horror
The whole premise is basically ubermensch shit but we could get past that
They have a lot of scenes and plots about how the democratically elected are just too stupid and the strong need to take matters into their own hands
But most of all, every other fucking marvel movie is this:
Ubermensch #3: Wow, Shmartin Shluther King Junior and Shmernie Shanders want to end wealth inequality and provide health care to poor people? But isn't that literally impossible to do??
Shmartin Shluther King Junior:*shoots underling for no reason* it's only impossible if you're unwilling to activate THE TORMENT CRYSTAL!!!!
It's pro-American foreign policy, pro-American deep state, shits on anti-colonial actions in Africa and has the literal CIA come to save the day, superheroes do everything they can to sustain the status quo despite being able to re-create society to fix tons of problems. People will probably go into more detail but the entire idea of superheroes "saving the day" and sustaining the status quo is fascist.
There’s no need to generalize. Not all western media is like that. Sometimes the message is that young men are entitled to sex and it’s very funny watching them try to get it without regard for the desires of the girls they’re pursuing, especially if they’re weak beta men who are inept at doing so.
Luckily some have "compensated" by having everyone written by the same Screenwriting Class writer phenotype so that everyone talks in exactly the same quippy, good-for-screenshots way and nobody sounds human (Show is somehow still racist)