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Après le Dîner

UI: ComfyUI

Model: STOIQNewrealityFLUXSD_F1DAlpha

A still-life oil-on-canvas painting by Caravaggio.

The image shows a silver platter on a table. The silver platter has legs.

On the platter, from right to left, is an aubergine, a doughnut, and a glass dessert dish containing a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

The ice cream has two Maraschino cherries on top.

The doughnut is iced.

There is a Maraschino cherry on the table to the right of the platter.

  • Just realized that I was dyslexic with the ordering directive, which worked well with Flux apparently not understanding it, since I wound up with the desired ordering; I'd intended to write "left to right".