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Cat With Uncanny Smile 2.0

UI: ComfyUI

Model: STOIQNewrealityFLUXSD_F1DAlpha

A photograph of a white cat. The background is black. The cat has large yellow orange eyes with a reddish ring around the outer edge of the iris. The cat has an uncanny extremely wide smile with many visible pointed teeth. The cat is staring intently at the viewer. Teeth are visible all along the cat's lips. The cat is terrifying. The irises of the cat's eyes are constricted.

The theme is horror.

  • This is a remake of an image that I submitted about a year ago here, this time higher-resolution, in 16:9 aspect ratio, photographic and done with the Flux-derived Newreality model.

    To repeat my comment then:

    Some years back, I gathered up all the scary images I could find, and looked for commonalities, tried to figure out what was “frightening” to people. One pretty consistent element was a wide, toothed smile.

    While I think that the earlier image is tough competition for this one in terms of visual impact, when I created the earlier image, I was much more lax in terms of what I was willing to accept from the generator -- I just wanted it to look scary, and to have a wide, toothed mouth. That is, a lot of getting the image was a dice roll; I had to generate a bunch of images, take the best.

    But this time around, I have enough control from the model's ability to take natural-language description to be able to intentionally try to specifically target something like the original image, which is a stupendous improvement. Was just like an arrow to a very specific image that I wanted, just took a few minutes and iterations. Fantastic.

  • One other visual element that people find scary: glowing eyes.

    I'm guessing that this is because it's a characteristic of nocturnal predators.

    The tapetum lucidum (Latin for 'bright tapestry, coverlet'; /təˈpiːtəm ˈluːsɪdəm/ tə-PEE-təm LOO-sih-dəm; pl.: tapeta lucida)[1] is a layer of tissue in the eye of many vertebrates and some other animals. Lying immediately behind the retina, it is a retroreflector. It reflects visible light back through the retina, increasing the light available to the photoreceptors (although slightly blurring the image).

    The tapetum lucidum contributes to the superior night vision of some animals. Many of these animals are nocturnal, especially carnivores, while others are deep-sea animals. Similar adaptations occur in some species of spiders.[2] Haplorhine primates, including humans, are diurnal and lack a tapetum lucidum.

    UI: ComfyUI

    Model: STOIQNewrealityFLUXSD_F1DAlpha

    The image is a vector illustration.

    The image is very high contrast. The image contains only pure black and pure white.

    The image contains hard light, directional light, backlighting, silhouetting, and negative space. The image contains no fill light.

    The image is at night.

    There is a nude woman standing in an open doorframe looking at the viewer. The woman is barefoot. The woman is a pure black silhouette. The woman's eyes are illuminated in white.