Trick OR Treat
Trick OR Treat
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Trick OR Treat
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This has explained the logic gates to me in a way I'd never understood before.. And for that I'm glad.
Me (15 years old): "Go on then, show us a trick! snickers derisively
Me (5 minutes later, wiping the windows): how the hell did they hide that many eggs under a cape
Trick IMPLIES Treat
Trick or treat is a threat. They can’t refuse you treats because of the implication.
Treat OR NO Trick
Smol chance for and
So this is one of the cases where XOR is contextually meant by "or". Although people have been known to do trick anyway, and it's of course an empty threat most of the time, so more like treat CONST ~trick. Speaking of, where's my identity, implication, inhibition and null Halloweens?
Trick XNOR treat is the definite chaotic option. Your house gets egged if and only if you give them candy.
It really bothers me that these aren't organized correctly.
While I do get most of them, I'm really confused by NOR
and XNOR
Why is there suddenly and out of bound mask outside the circles? (If that does make sense :/)
PS: sorry for the serious question XD I probably don't get the joke?
Outside the circles are the rest of the universe. i.e. all of the spaces where neither TRICK nor TREAT are true.
Edit: oh, why is a face there and not just orange? I think because it's cute.
Would "Trick NOT Treat" include only the area of Trick that does not overlap Treat?
Yes. Pedantically (as if this is a real language to begin with) it would be "Trick AND NOT Treat".