Freedoms greetings citizens of Super Earth! Im your host Release Captain Carlberg bringing you the latest and greatest from high command. So without further ado let us dive in. Overview The final part of our 60 day commitment is here! This patch marks the last set of changes we aimed to implement fo...
Really liked the way this has rebounded as of late. Last two patches have been great. Still going to need something to deepen the gameplay loop, though...
The only teaser was the occasional blue laser. My guess is that they’re dropping either very late this year or early next year. There is also a chance they drop on oct 26th but I wouldn’t hold my breath over it
Was AH teasing them or was the community data mining stuff and assuming? I honestly can't remember at this point, but I don't remember AH saying much about it. But after tanking the game, they may have had to pivot a bit
Was AH teasing them or was the community data mining stuff and assuming? I honestly can't remember at this point, but I don't remember AH saying much about it. But after tanking the game, they may have had to pivot a bit to stabilize
I recall they accidentally went live with them and they appeared on everyone's maps for [some time less than an hour, I don't remember]. They then abruptly disappeared.