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  • Completely off-topic, but I hate that we use averages for everything. Mode or median would be better for this because then you have a better picture of how many books people generally get - people like y’all with 100+ books throw off that average just as badly as people like me who have like, 3 books lol.

  • I feel like it's likely 2% of people with 600 books each, and 98% of people having 3.

    For me the answer that I need to clean my apartment. I have 8 on the kitchen island, 3 on the couch, 80 on the shelf, 80 more in the big drawers, and 7 in a big stack in the bedroom. And, I just discovered, 2 on the floor.

  • Books made out of actual trees? Probably 10-20 (double that if you count technical books/manuals).

    eBooks: 300-400 (maybe more?)

  • Hundreds. Maybe 1000.

    I think you're going to find higher than average numbers here vs. the general public.

  • Lmmfao!

    Just fiction, we're over 1k, though most of that is paperbacks.

    Hell, I used to have most of that 15 on the little bookshelf outside the bathroom. I keep some there for guests lol. Though, tbh, there's a tablet there now that gets used more often. I keep it loaded with ebooks, though it's rarely used for that.

    I thinned out the actual books in favor of the tablet a few years ago, so there's only five books there now.

  • Physical, actual books? Probably less than 10. I'm one of those heathens that didn't mine adopting ebooks and audiobooks. I've moved somewhere around 20 times, and eventually it just became easier to shift everything to digital and donate my physical books.

  • Physical books peaked at around 4000, but over the course of a few moves over the last decade and a half have dropped to maybe 1500 or so now.

    Ebooks, I really have no idea. A friend gave me a couple of large collections - well into four figures - some years back and I have acquired quite a few others since then one way or another - and this made me a lot happier about shedding the physical ones that were now duplicated. Anyway, Calibre tells me almost 9000, but I know that I have not actually added everything to that collection.

  • I don't really know. Too many for me to bother counting them but probably in the high hundreds. In our living room we've got four or five meters worth of book shelves that are completely filled up and the overflow has started piling up in other rooms.

    So at least a bunch :)

  • I probably have about 150. I'm getting so many more. I asked for at least 5 specific books for Christmas already lol. I got all of the Terry Pratchett books during the pandemic but took a break from reading them to start the R.A Salvatore books. There are so many of those as well lol

  • Thats funny to me because recently I won a hundo on a scratch it and blew it on about 15 books via Amazon... Then I won another hundo and got 10 more.