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  • "I can't believe that worked!" is such a horrifying thing to hear your physician say just after waking up. Gotta love Dr. Cats

  • Rutherford speedrunning Allamaraine is my jam. Dude is the epitome of geek awesomeness.

    • That's definitely a Stargate Supergate.
    • The computer has a proper name? That's totally normal and never bad.
    • Do your spots go all the way down?
    • Banana Tea, hot.
    • Freeman getting her hands dirty?
    • Yes, and/or dismemberment.
    • ALLAMARAINE! Why the hell do they have that?
    • Definitely being hazed. Someone just got to tick another box on Cerritos bingo.
    • AlL yOuR FiLeS aRe ExAcTlY wHeRe YoU lEfT tHeM.
    • The sky is literally falling.
    • [Stop trying to make Peloton happen]
    • Lancelot!
    • You got this Boims!
    • Allamaraine.any%.record
    • Is that... the black mountain?!?!?!

    DECKD WK 2, EP 3 Solved in 2

    ⚪⚪⚪🟢🟢 🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢

  • Loved the episode. My take is that we’ll get to see every classic junior management mistake from our Lower Deckers this season, fit to personality.

    Boimler’s admission of discomfort sending others into danger may have been part of his motivation. The classic micromanager bad behaviour of not trusting subordinates with risks, and doing everything himself was pretty much what I’d expected of Boimler though. He had a hard time learning to trust and rely on peers, why would he be different with subordinates?

    Lower Decks may become another Star Trek (after TNG) to be cited in leadership training.

  • Am I really the only one here getting T’Pol-Trip-like Vulcan-Human romantic tension from T’Lyn towards Boimler?

    The B’lyn / T’boimler / Boilyn ship is getting a lot of chatter elsewhere.

    Normally, I’m not into such speculation but with the number of failed Vulcan- Human romances in the franchise despite the success of other inter species relationships, this seems exactly the kind of thing Lower Decks would target for humorous remedy.

    Besides even for an ‘out of control’ overly emotional Vulcan, T’Lyn was far too distraught and physically close to Boimler when he was being revived.