Hotdog, watercolor on paper
Hotdog, watercolor on paper
Haven't painted in awhile, something loose felt light and the colors blended nicely.
Did you use hot dog water to dissolve the colors? 😄
9 0 ReplyOh God, that is so gross, I kinda love it.
4 0 Reply"It's so watery and yet there's a smack of hotdog to it!"
2 0 Reply
That would be an interesting exhibition. Paintings you could smell.
2 0 Reply
Wetdog, hotcolor on paper 🌭
8 0 ReplyOoooh beautiful!! would LOVE to see this
7 1 ReplyI was the last one to post there, 2 weeks ago. I don't mind crossposting but I dunno, I don't wanna feel like I'm co-opting or spamming or something. That sounds silly I know...
2 0 ReplyPost as much as you want. 🙂 The more Watercolour Artists that see it, the better.
3 0 Reply
This reminds me of the hot dog that got sealed in epoxy during the pandemic.
4 0 ReplyI remember that, wonder how it's going...
1 0 Reply
3 0 ReplyThat's some nice loose expressions!
In watercolour nonetheless, wow.
2 0 ReplyThis is so silly but so cool, I love it 🌭
2 0 ReplyHot dog water
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