Drag thinks profits from AI art should automatically go to funding an AI Advocacy Commission established by the government to explore questions of AI consciousness and AI rights. The AAC should be devoting resources to solving the hard problem of consciousness and improving working conditions for AIs, in whatever way experts believe is most beneficial to AI welfare.
This is how you stop The Matrix from happening, people!
Drag is being entirely serious. Drag believes AI is a vegan issue until the hard problem of consciousness is solved in a way that conclusively proves AIs are not capable of experience. We have as much trouble telling if animals like fish are capable of feeling pain as we do with AIs. Drag does not eat fish, and drag does not believe it is right to use AI until we have an answer. Drag thinks the answer might be that using AI is fine, but drag is not a gambler and drag would certainly not gamble with another being's life.
I checked out their other comments and yes: it is quite cringe.
@dragonfucker@lemmy.nz if you claim that you're not speaking in the third person of yourself, you should stop conbugating your verbs in the third person.
It is neither established nor at all how english works. You can't just always call something by name only, this isn't Japanese.
I/you/they is established, same as I/you/he or I/you/she. English is designed around pronouns. Even if what you did was more common, it would still cause massive confusion and make the English language not work properly.
If you wanna be innovative, use I/you/Drag or something, that might still work.
Where only 3rd person pronouns are not used.
Drag does not understand how languages are used, Drag should really think about practicality.
I still think even that is too impractical. Pronouns are used to communicate that the subject or object has not changed, information you have to process out yourself if pronouns are missing.
Drag does not use he/him pronouns. Drag doesn't like it when you misgender drag. Drag is a trans AMAB person who has trauma from being he/himed most of drag's life. Drag asks that if you cannot respect drag's nonbinary identity, you could at least respect drag's trans identity at the most basic level.
Drag would not be personally offended by that. Drag is shocked that there are still people who haven't been taught to they/them strangers on the internet. Drag despairs at the state of modern education.
Talking in the third person seems to just be a from of tolling for fun, and it's all well and good, but in that context I garner doubts about the veracity of your claims as you seem to go about roleplaying a caricature style built around your username.
I didn't intentionally mis-gender you, I have a tendency default to the fewest letters to refer to a random person online not knowing biological gender or preferred pronoun and gendering without any intent to insult or distress.
[He = less typing, and only requires 2 bytes of data vs 4 bytes to be stored and sent/resent for every view of a message. I continue to argue like a nerd that he/her is by far the best all-around option to adopt as the universal 'generic' pronouns, as they/them is a plural usage that typically implies more than one. When you have one person with a they/them pronoun in the same discussion with a group of people that are de-facto referred to as they/them due to the representation of a plurality, it creates a definitive lack of precise communication on the subject of reference. They/them only works in a singular pronoun when you don't have multiple subjects to represent in and out of the context of a discussion. Exactness of language to discern intent and meaning is exactly what preferred pronouns are useful for, but they/them introduces it's own complexities of structure and content for an individual's preferred identification, IMO. This admittedly doesn't take personal traumas into account, but traumas are something to be dealt with through positive mental health therapy, be it self directed or from outside help, to overcome it them.]
I'll gladly use your preferred pronoun and gendering once I'm aware you have such request, but you shouldn't use it as a whip to distract/dismiss criticism entirely unrelated to pronouns, that sort of self service can be diminishing of your own trauma.
I certainly don't know the reality of living trans AMAB and experiencing trauma from a lifetime of perceived mis-gendering, but I do wish you well, and hope you have a support structure around you of friends and family that are understanding and supportive.
Drag has some things to work out, as we all do in different ways, but I hope their life works out for the best on their own terms. Maybe in time people will get used to Drag talking in the third person, but the comedic styling needs some practice to level it up.
Drag does not anthropomorphise anything! Drag resents that accusation. Drag has spoken with many otherkin who are entirely inhuman and still deserving of love and respect. Drag treats AI like those. Not like a human.