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  • I'm just looking at this picture of the Hulk wearing himself as a hat.

  • Get some needle-nosed tweezers or something very thin and use it to dig out the obscene amount of pocket lint that compacts itself down in there. Keep trying even if nothing comes out at first. This works for me every time.

    • I've found that a plastic toothpick is the perfect tool for this. It is a soft enough material not to scratch the phone but it digs out the lint. A normal wood toothpick also works, but the plastic ones tend to be thinner making them easier to scrape with.

      If the phone is still having issues after that or looks visibly inside, some contact cleaner applied and scrubbed with a pipe cleaner will remove gunk.

  • Meanwhile my phone lowers the volume by itself an I'm thinking how to fix it. I assume it's because of dust or something. Annoying ah with this random popping out and lowering volume when I want sound.

  • For my old phone I would put a drop of super-glue on the face of the USB-C cable, and let it dry.

  • worst case scenario, the usb port is replaceable on most phones without soldering

    • I tried this on my previous phone, Samsung S9, it made everything worse. I bought and replaced a daughterboard with usb, microphone, antenna, and some other stuff. I was very careful, know my way around electronics, found a perfect iFixit video instruction, but afterwards my antenna didn't work anymore. My partner told me to just take it to a repair shop and let a professional handle it. I tried two and they both said "we don't do dat repair because it's too difficult. It can't be done without breaking something else in the phone". So there it is

      • i applied that fix multiple times on multiple phones, never an issue.

        maybe you got unlucky? and those are some shitty professionals that cant replace a dumb daughterboard.