Look, I respect your right to be how you are, but keep it in your church. I don't need to see it everywhere I go, and I damn sure don't want it anywhere near me. I don't have a problem with you, but if you try any of that God shit on me, I'm gonna put you on your ass, bro.
This is all funny until you do it. Trying this kind of shit in 2009 as I was starting to fully transition got me a full swing baseball bat to my hip. I laid there for maybe 30 mins before I could crawl to a phone.
From a safety standpoint, please don't do this. Just flip them off as you walk away and then vote as if your life depends on it, because it just may.
I just don't understand why they feel they have to flaunt their religion. Like, we get it, you worship a zombie-corpse God and you really, really dont understand the concept of eternity but you don't have to make it your whole personality.
Thank you so much for posting this, I needed that levity right now.
I don't know what happened to me, just suddenly realized that christians are totally nuts and they should not be allowed in any position of power.
Have faith, no problems there, believing in an existing book as a source of all truths is a bit much, forcing any part of it on anyone else (including their own children) is despicable and should be stopped.
And the thing is, unlike someone's sexual orientation, which they are born with, someone's religious beliefs are actually a choice. A lifestyle, if you so will. They're not something you're born with, but something you're taught.
I prefer to say "aww. Aren't you a bit old to believe in imaginary friends and faieytales? I mean, I liked Harry Potter but I don't believe something is real when I read a book about it. And Harry Potter even has seven books."
I know this is probably going to get downvoted, but I'm getting tired of people using "evangelical Christian" as the term for the problematic flavor of Christians. If you look up what evangelical Christian means, it's just that there's an emphasis on the authority of the Bible, sharing of faith, and personal salvation. Maybe it's the sharing of faith that seems problematic*, but by context, I think you're more referring to political conservative Christians.
*If that is the case, I hope it's just when it's done in an aggressive/tactless/heavy-handed way. I'd like to think we haven't reached the point as a society where someone sharing their faith respectfully is seen as problematic.