Getting the group together in a zombie apocalypse
Getting the group together in a zombie apocalypse
Hello AGM!
My players have not encountered each other, but are engaged in their own individual plots. At some point, I'd like them to be a part of the same colony, without forcing it (IE get them to becoming a "party" and working together).
I think I've hit a point where each group needs something from the other:
- Group 1 has safety and weapons, but no food
- Group 2 has safety and food, but no weapons
- Group 3 has food and weapons, but no safety
This setup was entirely on accident, but I think it will lead to them all running into each other for different reasons.
At this point, should I just airdrop hints that the other group(s) have what they need? Or how can I get to the end goal of unification?
The Zombie TTRPG is a homebrew that I made, rules are here:
If you need any additional info, ask away.