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Mulling Over Morphs #54 - The Beginning

bold move with the title, but they really pull it off this book.

this is a great final installment.

the entire book is good, but here's a couple moments that stuck out.


I forgot how it starts, with menderash willingly turning into a nothlit(mirroring tobias in the first book) so that he can pilot the Yeerk ship to take them to investigate the kelbrid space is so exciting!

I wonder how many mirrors of the first book there are that I didn't notice since I was devouring the story.

the extended internal torment where Jake is reckoning with Rachel's death and his responsibility as a war criminal who sends his friends to their death.

That Jake and Cassie don't end up together.

but all the anamorphs are pretty much unfulfilled, carrying on Rachel's legacy.

I can't sing this book's praises enough, it really is a solid ending with room to continue or conclude a limited run if they want to.