honestly I'm just as bad as you are if not worse. i sometimes will run them through a little fabric pinch in my pants I'm wearing to hold them for a moment.
my arms have been scratched many times for my stupidity on that one. 😅 my mouth might be safer place, actually. lol
Before I developed the habit of temporarily holding my needle in my mouth, I used to stick it in the arm rest of the sofa. I also used to forget about it there, and stab myself. Maybe we need to look into magnets on watchband like things.
I only keep them out of my mouth because of an incident in my teens that left me with a slightly chipped tooth. 😅 So they end up stabbed through the corners or back of the workpiece, the loose fabric of my clothing, or the arm of my chair. So far, I haven't managed to do myself more damage that way than my active young cat does when he's feeling playful, so I don't sweat it unless I actually lose track of one.
(If you haven't guessed already, none of us are much good at reminding ourselves to be safe, never mind someone else!)