Piracy advice
Piracy advice
Piracy advice
If your country persecutes individual piracy. Mine doesn't.
Our ISP sends 3 strike letters :(
That is supposedly the case in Australia as well but I haven't got a letter from telstra since around 2004 and I have never used a VPN and watch all my shows and movies via torrents so either I'm extremely lucky or they stopped bothering.
Though recently I started paying the $4 / month for Real Debrid for better streaming performance, which is just as good as a VPN for torrent anonymity. I used to be fundamentally against the idea of paying anything to pirate but honestly this is worth it, I've even been able to watch a few shows that had 0 seeders because they were previously cached.
let's say that VPNs are compromised and "they" know that you're downloading "illegally"
in order to prosecute, "they" have to prove you're a pirate and show how they know
would they compromise their backDoor to go after a tiny pirate?
In fairness I doubt the NSA give a single solitary fuck about piracy and aren't about to give themselves up over a telesync rip of Beetlejuice 2.
But probably best to plan 9/11 part 2 over something a bit more secure.
Bro I'm downloading Final Fantasy, not running a pedo marketplace. I will be fine.
do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour mullvad vpn
what about proton or mullvad?
Both are considered strong choices but again... This is 100% trust me bro.
But that's the people the bros chose to trust
Title is probably true, but also it's less likely for the NSA to leak your info than say an ISP that openly sells your info. I highly doubt that the NSA sees someone pirating Photoshop as a priority. VPNs can help with preventing a random ad from logging your real loose location, have built in DNS ad block, open up region locked content plus a list of other benefits.
VPNs absolutely help with general privacy, like not putting your personal phone number on a public registry. They are not intended to perfectly hide you from a super power's intelligence agency lol
I don’t use a VPN because my government has acknowledged that an IP address cannot identify what individual was using it.
wouldn't trust that tbh
I know that government prosecutions for fraud against government use IP addresses
The IP address identifies the company or home the fraud was done from, the account the money went to identifies the individual
If breaking the law and able to afford to make it difficult for prosecutors, it's probably best to make it difficult for the prosecutors, we may have an activist pro copyright holder government in future and logs are forever (or 5 years)
watched the mental outlaw video i see
Yeah, if you don't mind it possibly taking a week to download something... Really like the idea, but in practice it's very slow for something like that, unless you got a lot of seeders for something maybe.
wait, so this would route my traffic through others' internet connections and theirs through mine? seems like a great way to get implicated for actually illegal activity, like, say, other people running I2P to download and/or upload certain types of porn.
it's all encrypted, and a darknet, so unless you're routing through exit nodes, or you host an exit node, that information isn't publicly accessible.
the other problem here is the "illegal contents" problem, if UPS accidentally ships a human head in the mail, is that the fault of the UPS? If someone mails a bomb to someone else, is that also the fault of UPS?
Ultimately, there is little to no reasoning as to why you should be capable of getting into trouble, unless you're storing it, and it's a very very strict law. But it's a router, so it shouldn't be storing anything.
has it gotten any better since 100 years ago or whenever I was a kid?
Instructions unclear, VPN'd into my own home network.
Even Haru's billionaire ass can't afford all these subscriptions 😭
Who is the original artist?
Not sure about the artist, but these are characters from the game Persona 5 (Haru and Futaba)
Okay, thanks!
@negglartz on that place Elongated Musksticles ruined
A VPN is just essentially a change in ISP.
importantly it's (hopefully) an ISP that operates from a less copyright-happy country and isn't tied down to tons of expensive infrastructure and long-term contracts
Isn't torrenting legal in the Netherlands?
My country doesn't care, so it's not necessary
Let me guess India?
You missed by a looooong shot, it's Slovenia.
Maybe? But basically 90% of the countries in Asia continent doesn't really care about digital piracy
I use Comcast VPN cheaper than mullvad /s
Nah, Verizon VPN is better
And make sure it's a VPN that supports port forwarding. Sharing is caring.
or just use Usenet.
i never hav to use one lmao
Please explain..
ukraine, poland, no-one cares abt it here :p
Haru asking Futaba where she has to type in her dad's credit card number
And please don't use anime girls to refer to every fucking thing in the world
I mean this is Persona 5 and this is 100% what Futaba would say and do
I thought you don't need a VPN for things like usenet
If your provider supports SSL and you actually turn it on then no technically don't need a VPN for Usenet.
this is dangerous advice. courts can still subpoena the usenet provider for your information.
I guess, that depends on the legislative of your country, maybe they see all interactions with usenet providers as illegal, and if you are not using a VPN they see what IP you talk to. But in the other hand, in such countries, using (foreign) VPNs may also be illegal🤔
Your ISP sees the connection to news.usenetserver.com and if they cared could get a court order to get your data from them. They can compel you to release your username and password.
You also need to protect yourself against future law and enforcement
Meh my Usenet provider also partners with a VPN provider. Still costs me £5 a month for the VPN but I may as well use it, I like having a VPN
IP law firms tried to get their cases into my country and they only got a 50% success rate on court so they stopped trying (cost benefit thing I suppose).
Also private trackers in my country do not allow the use of VPN (why do they care IDK, they say it is to have more control on who join), so there's little point on getting a VPN for piracy here.
Also private trackers in my country do not allow the use of VPN (why do they care IDK, they say it is to have more control on who join), so there’s little point on getting a VPN for piracy here.
it's probably for IP banning or something. Whitelist authorization, something silly like that.
do i want to be her or date her?
Explain this to me more thoroughly? Does this mean physically going to the library and using their Wi-Fi? Or are you talking about something else?
It's important to note that a VPN is simply somebody else's network in another location.