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  • Why are the attacking Syria now?

    • Because Hezbollah has been attacking Israel from Syria and Lebanon.

      You're not under the impression that the war is strictly between Israel and Palestinians are you?

      Israel is being attacked by multiple terrorist groups funded by outside countries like Iran, and has been for decades now.

      The current war is nothing but a proxy war between bigger powers, with the Palestinians getting the short end of the stick.

      • Israel was founded by terrorists and is the biggest terrorist state in the region. They name streets and other infrastructure in honor of their celebrated terrorists. Palestinians aren't just getting the short end of the stick by being caught in-between others, they're the direct target of Israel's program of lebensraum.

        • Israel was created by the UN after the fall of the ottoman empire when they support the axis on the world wars.

          They were then invaded by 5 neighbouring countries the day after the British protectorate ended because those neighbours disagreed with the UN approved borders.

          You're all hyped up about this, and yet live in a country that took all its land from someone else and also names roads and monuments after the people that stole that land.

          • Zionism is a settler colonialism project was able to start with the support of British Imperialism. Zionism as a political movement started with Theodore Herzl in the 1880s as a 'modern' way to 'solve' the 'Jewish Question' of Europe.

            Since at least the 1860's, Europe was increasingly antisemitic and hostile to Jewish people. Zionism was explicitly a Setter Colonialist movement and the native Palestinians were not considered People but Savages by the Europeans. While Zionist Colonization began before it, the Balfor Declaration is when Britain gave it's backing of the movement in order to 'solve' the 'Jewish Question' while also creating a Colony in the newly conquered Middle East after WWI in order to exhibit military force in the region and extract natural resources.

            That's when Zionist immigration started to pick up, out of necessity for most as Europe became more hostile and antisemitic. That continued into and during WWII, European countries and even the US refused to expand immigration quotas for Jewish people seeking asylum. The idea that the creation of Israel is a reparation for Jewish people is an after-the-fact justification. While most Jewish immigrants had no choice and just wanted a place to live in peace, it was the Zionist Leadership that developed and implemented the forced transfer, ethnic cleansing, of the native population, Palestinians. Without any Occupation, Apartheid, and ethnic cleansing, there would not be any Palestinian resistance to it.

            Herzl himself explicitly considered Zionism a Settler Colonialist project, Setter Colonialism is always violent. The difficulty in creating a democratic Jewish state in an area inhabited by people who are not Jewish, is that enough Palestinian people need to be 'Transferred' to have a demographic majority that is Jewish. Ben-Gurion explicitly rejected Secular Bi-national state solutions in favor of partition.


            Zionism’s aims in Palestine, its deeply-held conviction that the Land of Israel belonged exclusively to the Jewish people as a whole, and the idea of Palestine’s “civilizational barrenness" or “emptiness” against the background of European imperialist ideologies all converged in the logical conclusion that the native population should make way for thenewcomers. The idea that the Palestinian Arabs must find a place for themselves elsewhere was articulated early on. Indeed, the founder of the movement, Theodor Herzl, provided an early reference to transfer even before he formally outlined his theory of Zionist rebirth in his Judenstat. An 1895 entry in his diary provides in embryonic form many of the elements that were to be demonstrated repeatedly in the Zionist quest for solutions to the “Arab problem ”-the idea of dealing with state governments over the heads of the indigenous population, Jewish acquisition of property that would be inalienable, “Hebrew Land" and “Hebrew Labor,” and the removal of the native population.

          • Israel was created by the British who made a deal with zionists without including any input from the Palestinians already living there. The British divided up the land, but that wasn't enough for the zionists who carried out terrorist attacks to drive out the people already living there. When Israel was established, the nearby countries responded appropriately to a tool of western imperialism being propped up right in their general region. We've all seen how Israel has poisoned the land both figuratively and literally, so those countries were right to respond the way they did.

            The US being built on stolen land isn't right either and we should take stronger steps towards reparations. That doesn't excuse the genocide that Israel is carrying out right now. It's better to stop it earlier than later. Israel is hoping to destroy Palestine and pretend like nothing could have been done while they were doing it, then after it's done they'll shrug their shoulders and say it's all in the past. Do not give them excuses.

            • Yea, generally when it's your government that loses the war and collapses, you don't get much say in how your country gets divvied up afterwards. A lot of displaced jews needed a spot after the holocaust, so it made sense to do this.

              Those foreign countries were right to invade Israel and kill people? You fucking hypocrite.

              Reparations? Again you're being hypocritical, you're asking for Palestinians to be given their own country in the spots they were prior to the formation of Israel. Why shouldn't the natives just be given the entire US back based on that logic? You willing to move back to whatever country your ancestors moved away from?

              Rules for thee, but not for me. It's easy to demand things that don't cost YOU anything.

              • Yea, generally when it’s your government that loses the war and collapses, you don’t get much say in how your country gets divvied up afterwards. A lot of displaced jews needed a spot after the holocaust, so it made sense to do this.

                Instead of Germany having to give up land to the people they've wronged, you think it makes more sense for Jews to have been sent to some far off land?

                Those foreign countries were right to invade Israel and kill people? You fucking hypocrite.

                Those foreign countries had the right to defend themselves against the invading terrorist zionists who established israel.

                Reparations? Again you’re being hypocritical, you’re asking for Palestinians to be given their own country in the spots they were prior to the formation of Israel. Why shouldn’t the natives just be given the entire US back based on that logic? You willing to move back to whatever country your ancestors moved away from?

                I'm asking for israel to stop committing genocide. Apparently this is too much for you to handle that you cannot believe I'd ask for something so preposterous. Do you love genocide that much? Anyway, what likely makes more sense is the dissolution of israel and instead the creation of a new country where Palestinians and Israelis can live side-by-side. No apartheid, no genocide.

                Rules for thee, but not for me. It’s easy to demand things that don’t cost YOU anything.

                This is rich coming from someone defending genocide and who is also fine with the "solution" of the British carving out a foreign land to send all the Jews to, away from the west.

                • Most of the people in this country either tried to kill you or were okay with you getting killed, we didn't get rid of them, but you should go back there again.... Are you fucking stupid?

                  Those foreign countries invaded an area that was not their land. There were jews in the region of Israel for literally thousands of years. Just because there were also other people doesn't somehow make the Jews invaders.

                  You're off in dream land if you think that a peaceful country with two groups is possible. They hate each other's guts, and they both have very different life views and priorities. I can't think of a single successful country with two significant distinct cultural groups and no serious problems, it can work if there are lots of smaller groups, but not when two or three big ones exist. That kind of situation led to the breakups of the USSR, the Chinese Empire, the Indian Empire, and even the Ottoman empire that led to Israel.

                  War is a consistent solution for solving conflict. It may not be good, but you can't say it isn't effective.

                  You keep saying "away from the west" like Israel just got arbitrarily created and isn't a historical location for that group of people.

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