I hate these fucking liberals. I God damned hate them. You believe in ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, just fascists that don't want the label. Cheyney. FUCKING CHEYNEY. Is a good guy now. FUCK YOU EAT MY SHIT AND HAIR, the one guy in the Bush administration, an irredeemable, corrupt, evil, fascist, blood hungry admin and nearly universally acknowledged as such, who was always seen as the most evil and blood hungry within that admin, HIS ENDORSEMENT IS A GOOD THING???? You can't even call civility or decorum fetishism on this, these people literally and successfully did what Biden liberals claim Trump tried to do (steal an election), Bush always talked like a fucking moron and was seen as such, what decorum was perceived when it became apparent to everyone that the basis for the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were completely fabricated? And claiming all these beliefs, peddling this narrative that we can't be like these people, suddenly I'm not only supposed to acknowledge that this demon still lives, but that liberals are treating him like an apostle? Eat shit and die, you can 'feel the bern' in hell right next to him old fuck.
Already mass-murdering Muslims in the middle-east, they've also tried calling weird people gross and disgusting again. We are rapidly advancing towards early 2000s culture. Expect the F slur to become commonplace again.
He'd probably be if it wasn't for Jan 6th. An AtTaCk On DeMoCrAcY can't be brushed under the rug by libs. The war crimes can, because they were the system working as usual unlike Trump trying to disrupt it.
Do they just kidnap Jane and the kids and whisk them away to a CIA black site so they can text him his talking points over a video of their screams every time they want him to go out and publicly simp for the Dem establishment?
Darth Cheney, Vice President and puppet master, was one of the chief architects of the Project for a New American Century. (PNAC) which is the precoursor to the bipartian CNAS
They yearned for a new Pearl Harbor to drag the nation into endless war profiteering. That New Pearl Harbor was certianly it wasn't an inside job!
in a report just before the 2000 election that would bring Bush to power, the group (PNAC) predicted that the shift would come about slowly, unless there were "some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor."
That event came on Sept. 11, 2001. By that time, Cheney was vice president, Rumsfeld was secretary of defense, and Wolfowitz his deputy at the Pentagon.