i was interested if perl is still relevant in this day and age.
Perl has been on the decline for a very long time now.
Perl 6 (now named 'raku) not being backwards compatible with perl 5 code made the already small perl community even smaller by splitting it in half.
A good example is lisp with it's thousands of different dialects.
Is it still worth using or is it bound to legacy software forever? Like cobol.
For me, Python replaced Perl 15 years ago. I know Perl is a great language, but it's too "write-only." Python replaced both BASIC and Perl at the same time, even with the problems of migration from v2 to v3. Python can also do scripts to replace Bash and PowerShell. I don't see myself learning Perl now, it would be a waste of time.
Perl was revolutionary at the time with CGI and regexes, but it's not needed anymore.
Perl is great for that occasional bash one liner or that one off script.
It’s awful for team projects. The core mantra of Perl is “there’s more than one way to do it”, meaning every piece of code can be written in hundreds of different ways. Result is that everybody write with different code styles, and no one can understand each other’s code.
I write Perl at work. Supporting an actively developed Perl based application.
It’s honestly not that bad as a language, the biggest downside is that the ecosystem of libraries around it are often abandoned or outdated. The language isn’t perfect and it needs a bit of discipline to avoid creating unreadable code, but honestly it’s not as bad as its reputation might have you believe.
It has quite a few tricks and unexpected bits of flexibility that make it quite a bit more expressive than other languages - you can really craft nice compact, elegant code with it if you want to.
These days I use other languages too (Python, Ruby, JS, etc) but none of them quite match Perl for expressiveness.
Oh also it’s great for oneliners. That expressiveness can be abused for brevity in some really interesting ways.
You mean the fact that you can have a hash called %foo, an array called @foo and a scalar called $foo all at the same time? I agree that's a weird choice and there's potential for insanity there, but it's pretty easy to just not do that...
20+ years of Perl experience and while Perl has a load of idiosyncrasies that make it harder to work with than other languages, I don't think that particular one has ever caused a significant problem.
Perl hasn't lost any of it's qualities or relevance or usefulness.
It's just, with these incompatible language upgrades, they are creating artificial barriers for starters and for occasional users. The outcome is that they are making it less popular, sadly.
Which incompatible language upgrades? Are you talking about Perl 6?
That was never really an iteration of Perl, and it was renamed Raku some years back so is no longer named like it’s an iteration of Perl.
Perl continues as Perl 5 and honestly values compatibility extremely highly, probably more than many (most?) other languages. There have been a handful of breaking changes over the years (most notable for me was the hash key ordering thing) but those are usually security related rather than anything else.
The community is all but gone at this point. It used to have a lot of highly concentrated competance. Many of those people left (or were driven away) in the last few years, and nobody is taking their place.
There is no such thing as a junior Perl programmer.
My company still uses it significantly, and has already had one major failed attempt to get rid of it. I expect we'll still have it for years to come. I'm at least 25 years away from retirement, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was still around then. That said, we're moving to Elixir, and with a much better plan than the previous attempt.
All that said, we gobble up all the experienced Perl devs we can and try to make them happy enough to stay. There's good money to be made in a long-tail language.
I work at a small company that still uses perl for everything. It works, the company makes money. They'll never move off it. I bet there's a lot of little places like that, but I doubt many are starting new projects with it. Not many of the major modules have a lot of updates recently, but they've also been pretty complete for a long time. If you already know shell/awk/grep/etc it's pretty easy to pick up. Probably will see less and less of it as the people that do write in it continue to age.
I learned perl after python and I still like the language. At the end I always treat languages as tools. There is no bad language. There is only a task and your decision to pick the correct tool for it.
Writing legible Perl code is the complete antithesis of what the language was created for. This comment shows a complete misunderstanding of Larry Wall’s work.
I use perl for automation stuff that needs more than bash, but doesn't require the speed of a faster/compiled language. In my opinion it's great for that kind of thing.
I played around with Perl when I was still in school, almost 20 years ago. Even then it was pretty legacy. I remember fixing a bug in a Perl script during an internship, because I was literally the only person in the whole department who could understand Perl code.
I suppose it was used for sysadmin and web scripting but has since been replaced by PHP, Javascript and Python.
I wouldn't bet any money on Perl being relevant in the future.
I still use Perl for most things -- it's my go-to language when I have to get something done quickly. And quickly doesn't have to mean small one-liner scripts.
My biggest reason for using it is that mod_perl is still blazingly fast.