‘Right to Repair for Your Body’: The Rise of DIY, Pirated Medicine
‘Right to Repair for Your Body’: The Rise of DIY, Pirated Medicine

Four Thieves Vinegar Collective has made DIY medicine cheaper and more accessible to the masses.

‘Right to Repair for Your Body’: The Rise of DIY, Pirated Medicine
Four Thieves Vinegar Collective has made DIY medicine cheaper and more accessible to the masses.
Or, you know, you could just have socialised medicine which encompasses the full health care cycle including diagnosis, monitoring, non drug treatments, tailored medical advice and preventative medicine.
But yeah I guess if that's off the table cheap drugs is cool too.
Well, of course we could -- the fact we haven't is why it's come to this. 🫠
While i think it sounds risky, it's awesome news for anyone that can't afford proper healthcare. I'm also thinking that given 5-10 years we may see this evolve into something a lot more viable.
Cheap drugs with no quality control is not a good thing. That's exactly why so-called "health supplements" have harmed so many people.
Very true. This is not a thing people should be having to resort to.
This is not going to end well
Just like normal testing (well sort of). But from these you will hear only the failures just like from pharma companies you will only hear the hits.
I know so many trans people who can't access legal health care due to years long waiting lists or very expensive inaffective private health care. In the UK it's between waiting ~4 years for health care or becoming a criminal.
People diagnose incorrectly a lot, will probably take incorrect amounts, and if sick will take the medicine incorrectly leading to bacteria and viruses with immunity to more drugs.
Just…let the doctors and pharmacists do the work, please? At least they have some training and understand interactions/classes of medicine.
let the doctors and pharmacists do the work, please?
i think this is what everyone wanted here, but the system can't provide it, so they are resorting to this kind of hackery.
While I agree with the sentiment, I think we’re in this situation because of the current medical climate.
The current system does not work. As a consequence, people are attempting, however incompetently, to take their care into their own hands.
Fix why folks are resorting to this, and this should stop being an issue, or at least stop gaining traction.
he's not attacking that part of medicine. he has no quarrel with Doctors etc. it's the exhorbitent amount of money pharmcorp is charging for what can essentially be life saving medicine.