Hey, it could work out
Hey, it could work out
Hey, it could work out
To be fair you probably do need cash now
Then call jg Wentworth 877-cash now!
If my mom ever changed her cell phone number, and I lost my phone, God help me. I don't even know my wife's phone number.
Lucky for me I also have 1-800-NO-CUFFS commited to memory
That's k a r s cars for kids
I know Jenny’s number, but I forget the area code.
When I needed to test a phone I would always use 1800-ABC-DEFG for Hooked on Phonics. I knew it was an automated system and wouldn't actually be a live person.
It's my freedom and I need it now!
Here are a few (non-personal) phone numbers I have memorised:
If you want a Macintosh in the 1990s:
Homer Simpson from The Simpsons:
(939) KL5-3226
Barney Gumble from The Simpsons:
(939) KL5-4796
Hastings Direct Insurance:
0800 001066
The Emergency Services in The IT Crowd:
0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
For German Sex-talk: 01805 46 46
Apart from family and my own number about the only one I can think of is the Reading Writing Hotline (1300 655506) due to the sheer amount of their radio ads I've heard over the years while driving around.
Even within family I've only got one left that actually works though - Dad hasn't changed his mobile number since circa 2000 but Mum did at one point and I never remembered her new one.
877 cash cow. 877 cash cow. your the cow.......
I never really understood it.. like are there really that many people out there with annuities to justify this level of marketing?
That song is burned into my brain as a kid growing up in the 90s-00s but I've never heard of anyone actually having an annuity... Maybe I'm sheltered.
me calling mike jones
In Québec there is a moving company that has been using the same jingle and phone number for decades. Ir's really catchy and sticks in your head.
Le clan Panneton, pour déménager, faut composer le 937-0707.
The ad from 1997: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBIADSFYoVk
The ad from 2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_VYYkFMcFk
Ask anyone in QC what's the Clan Panneton's number and they will start signing it.
That was the most annoying ad I’ve ever seen
LaRosa's Pizza for me!