MSc Mansplaining
MSc Mansplaining
MSc Mansplaining
Every single one of them look like their eyes are about to roll right out of their heads.
Us-vs-them attitudes are super cool and good.
Generally I do agree with that statement. But I think this can be taken in a lighthearted manner. Not every joke needs to be so PC to the point where you're afraid to say anything and all humor is lost. Humor is subjective tho so I think it's fair to not like the joke.
Literally just a person talking in a group to other people. How is this a science meme?
When you work at a university the marketing department is always a meme.
It's mainly funny, because all the women look bored out of their mind. It makes it look like they're letting Greg blather on, even though none of his points are novel to them. And Greg has such a massive ego that he doesn't notice no one is listening to him.
Obviously, yes, Greg probably is just a person without ego talking normally. But him being the only dude in the picture and the only one talking, the mansplaining interpretation is a little too close for comfort, which makes it funny.
It's a stock photo, people always look kinda awkward in them.
We can't have a dude explain things to girls because girls can't be interested in what a guy has to say. Girls good. Guys bad.
Its ok. He's probably explaining how menstruation works
...are you presuming her gender?'s a woman's right to grow a beard if she chooses...
One joke
I’m more intrigued by what appears to be a ghost arm behind his right shoulder.
It's the hair of yet another lady sitting in the background.
Okay, the building name is the chef's kiss.
Nice! Amazing what a few extra pixels can do.
I thought he had a huge ponytail
Looks like the back of someone's head to me, but the picture is kind of blurry
Fats his fabulous raccoon's tail.
Dude must drive a T-top R-top trans-am
a ghost arm behind his right shoulder.
The arm of the student who literally died of boredom.
It looks to me like the back of his chair. Ghost arm is much more entertaining, though.
I choose to believe the more wholesome version that this is their gay, autistic, and genuinely endearing friend who got started on his special interest without realizing that nobody else cared, and his friends otherwise like him enough that they're trying to figure out how to move the conversation forward without hurting his feelings after they all lost interest minutes ago.
"So during Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, Spock is passing through decks in the Enterprise, and we see one called Deck 78. Now you see, this class of Enterprise only has 23 decks, and so unless we assume someone misnamed this deck, how did this one get here? Some fans have speculated that maybe maybe Q put it there as a practical joke to confuse the audience, but why would Q use the number 78 specifically? This could be a reference to the episode All Our Yesterdays in The Original Series which is production code 78. In this episode, Spock reverts to being emotional like his primitive ancestors after traveling back through time, and this could be hinting to the idea that he secretly feels emotions for his half-brother Sybok who's the antagonist of the movie."
Why can't there just not be people deciding he's being condescending for being straight and tutoring some girls?
Because if you don't create division, how will the billionaires get even more rich?
It's actually 40k Lore studies
Do you like 40k lore?
Their facial expressions are like they think Magnus did nothing wrong.
All of those faces look really annoyed.
If it doesn't scream "mansplaining" it at least says "this meeting could have been an email".
All of those faces look really annoyed.
That's how you know you're doing it correctly.
How about a masters in propaganda on social media?
That's called Marketing.
The term "public relations" is literally propaganda to make propaganda look better. It was just called propaganda before WWII but then there was a propaganda campaign to increase local resistance to propaganda from the Nazis and then the Communists. And it worked, so they needed more propaganda to get the local propaganda to work again.
"It's about this long"
"I'd never pooped a log so big before and didn't realize it was possible"
"Had to hand-lower it in to prevent splashback. WorkSafe you know"
About 5.5" standard sized.
Mainsplaining sounds more like a liberal arts degree to me.
Yeah, and those are for women /s
This meme gave me some comic relief, thanks for posting! But the comments here are horrible. I would like to forget how lemmy is mostly cis dudes but it's moments like these it gets super apparent... :(
Maybe you'll like my interpretation of this image! I believe those women are a coven of witches politely waiting for that guy to finish talking so they can begin their ritual sacrifice to The Morrigan.
It's important to show people their own biases which is why I do not remove a lot.
Let me help you with the cis dude perspective. I'll explain it to you in a way you can understand. I'm a guy, I know. . . . /s
We should all be decent, empathetic, and compassionate enough people that the demographic breakdown doesn’t create a negative effect like that.
I’m one of the many cis dudes here, and I just cannot get offended when it gets pointed out that other dudes can be assholes. Or that other Americans can be assholes. Or other humans, for that matter.
Unfortunately that is hardly ever the case. Most people's way to think about themselves and how they act differs greatly and thus they have to bridge this gap in some way. People like to think of themselves as tolerant, open-minded or empathetic, but once you start to confront them in any way with how they are acting problematic in any way, they usually start to get defensive or try to twist reality around so that it fits with their positive view on themselves. And by "confronting" I don't necessarily mean that you even have to actually have to tell them about this mismatch, just by existing as a person can trigger this reaction in person. That is, only by being trans or by beingvegan people think that they have to defend themselves somehow. And it gets even trickier to actively help people reflect upon their own actions. The huge number of people that have tried to explain me that discrimination isn't real is so frustrating. Most people life in their fantasy world not wanting to think critically about themselves. And if one has these mental barriers, empathy or compassion doesn't really help either because in order to protect their skewed view on themselves they cannot access their empathy.
I am a man, therefore i lemmy.
Those women are waiting for him to finish so they can correct the numerous errors in his scientific reasoning.
I don't think so. You can tell by their billion miles stare they don't have much of a choice but to put up with his crap for now.
It's true. He's the student trying to work through his proposal.
Or beat him to within an inch of his life, as the case may be
It's so funny because he looks so sincere and precious and all the women look so annoyed but polite haha
This has always happened to women. I mean, men do it do men too, but other men counteract that by doing it too. As a cis man I've encountered way too many cringe worthy situations from my fellow men.
If you're never experienced mansplaining you might now actually know what it is about.
You went off the rail when you used "women" and "men" instead of "people".
I'm not exactly sure which one is more frequent, the behaviour itself or the accusation thereof as thought- and conversation-terminating cliche, but both suck donkey ass. OTOH it's not some special grand thing in itself, either, it's plain old failure to relate and communicate.
mansplained like a true splain
Previously to the word mansplaining this was just men being sexist.
I'm surprised Oldsplaining doesn't exist as a word.
Running commentary would still have the same concepts, just not encapsulated in a single word
Is that a Risk map? Is he mansplaining the Siam Camp strategy?
So the caption is really: "man convinces 5 clearly less enthusiastic friends to play board game."
Settlers of catan
The comments in this posts have everything I hoped to not see again once I left reddit for Lemmy 😭
Like I've been mansplined before and it wasn't fun. And no, women are less likely to do that because of societal reasons, not genetics 😂. I'm not even sure if some of the comments come from scientists, with the amount of confusion over social/genetic causes.
Anyways, if you think someone needs help with something, always ask. And when talking to someone, ESPECIALLY if it's a colleague/classmate, don't try dumbing down the conversation unless you know the person you're talking to won't understand it.
Tbh my only gripe with this post is the assumption that because a man is explaining something to a group of women, it's automatically mansplaining. Although I guess it's a joke so whatever.
Yeah it's not meant to be taken seriously. It's because of the girls' deadpanned expression that it was just twisted this way. Nobody actually believes that this picture is mansplaining. Just a funny coincidence.
Going meta is always allowed. Just say you're dumbing it down, that you don't mean to be condescending, and invite them to interrupt if they already understand.
Yes, exactly!
I usually have the opposite happen to me. When someone happens to ask me about something, I tend to go into the specifics and give detailed information that I consider relevant and/or useful, but get complained that I'm "showing off" or being a jerk trying to make them look dumb. I kind of get what they mean, but I still can't figure out where the line is when considering the other person knowledge of something without coming off as condescending or rude.
No I think it's totally fine to talk a lot about a subject that you like. I do it a lot as well! I usually try to stop though 😅
im disappointed now that the realization that people could have been making funny jokes about mansplaining has set in.
It's been available for over 10 years at PragerU
Ffs I hate PragerU. The website "All Sides Balanced" quotes them as if they are a reliable and genuine university that does research, when in fact it's a right wing propaganda machine that spews the already derided laissez faire economics and climate change denialism.
Yep. Had a friend who thought it was a genuine university, I kept trying to explain how wrong that was... 😅
Jesus, this comment section is the sort of shit I'd expect from Reddit, lighten up, people!
Given the /aiml URL they've got there I suspect that this is actually a picture of one of their real graduates pitching yet another terrible AI service that burns half a rainforest to badly summarize diet advice or something.
Neurotypical people annoyed the autistic person exists.
It's this big...
he has a PhD in breaking
"hello ladies, my name is Larry Haser, you can call me Laser and I'm going to show you all how to bust a move....first things first; you've all seen a kangaroo right?"
Oh man, I still can't believe she was an actual breaking academic. Just incredible.
If they get a phd, they get a mall ninja sword like Finland.
And once they become professors, they forget how to keep their Eve Online alerts from interrupting class.
I hate that I have to political aline with these people
We hate that we have to POLITICALLY ALIGN with you.
Also it's "ad" not "add".
Neat, you caught some typos
I'm tired, boss...
Aww shit, there are only women here, can we have the cleaning lady explaining it
Of course! Didn’t they tell you?
Oh, do they need a professor? I'm available.
Its one of the images where people are looking for something to offend them.
Do you mean the people that think it's a funny picture, or those that get offended just by seeing the word "mansplaining"?
People like Teacher Dude.
What envious lesbians see when women listen to a man.
Why peope saw he mansplaining beside sarcasm? I mean, I didn't even notice about it before it was a thing. I just always ignore annoying people, that's all.
maybe he is the teacher?
wait, is he mansplaining how to become a mansplainer to women? did I get the joke?
or is he about to get his mansplaining degree?
there is no joke, is there?
I see your kind with the "there is no joke" nonsense occassionally, and I never know if you're wilfully obtuse because you don't like this humor, or really don't even understand how it could be funny.
I'll tell you it's kinda funny.
thanks for your answer.
I don't think it's funny, because the joke is illogical. If he is a teacher in a University, and it looks like it, that it is his job to mansplain.
but i often have problems with illogical jokes, and other people don't seem to care.
Obtuse? how shallow and pedantic.
maybe it is like a meta joke, that makes fun of women complaining about mansplaining in settings where it has to be expected?
mansplaining is a made-up idea lol
All ideas are made up
I mean it does happen but many people don't understand what it actually is.
I never help a female coworker who needs assistance or guidance cause I'll just be accused of mansplaining. So I let them drown and get called an asshole who doesn't help so you lose either way.
I’ll just be accused of mansplaining
Have you actually been accused, or are you afraid of being accused? Because in reality, most people don't give two shits about the idea of "mansplaining".
I'm a different person than the one you've responded to, but I've actually been accused.
I am into weird shit and have ADHD like a bitch so I will often excitedly talk about my interests, or a story involving them, which are sometimes fairly niche and I know I need to explain whatever I am saying to whoever I'm talking to, because I know they don't know the ins and outs of X. I had an ex accuse me of mansplaining and said she'd prefer if I wait for her to ask before I explain something. Alright, fair enough, I mean I'd say I'm ADHDsplaining because I enjoy our conversations but I can work on that. So I complied with her request, a couple months go by, and she tells me I she hates the way I just assume she knows everything and will just breeze past terms like Castle Nut and Endplate without explaining them. She then didn't like when I explained that she asked me to do literally exactly that in very gendered terms.
I guess I'm just too neurodivergent for all this "other people" business.
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