Why are capitalists always so fucking terrible at capitalism? Raytheon would benefit from shifting into green energy because there's no one else in the US doing it. They know global warming is coming (we have the Exxon memos to prove it). Being the first ones in a market that can not only grow, but has to in order for humanity to survive, may as well be free money.
It's like if someone offered you the entire state of Texas in 1750 for 5 cents an acre and you could see the future. You'd be a fool not to gobble up the oil fields and cattle pastures.
America journalist (and America as a whole to be honest) wants Sinophobia to be cool again so bad. In the same way American media are overtly okay with Russophobia (which is of course not okay cause -phobia isn't cool), I think the media wants to be a Sinophobia to okay too.
It's fucked up to think we think ourselves so great that anytime anyone else does anything they are either cheating or doing some sort of evil [insert some vile trope about some other group here].