When life mountains your boots...
When life mountains your boots...
When life mountains your boots...
Gives you put on and hike.
yeah, it really does give put on and hike vibes, doesn't it?
One definition of "put on" is as a noun meaning "a prank, hoax, spoof". So, this could actually work as a phrase: Someone gives you a prank and leaves, "Gives you put on and hike(s)"
As a resident of the Tetons, life does indeed mountain my boots.
Life is a resident of the Tetons?
"You know what, screw you!" Mountains your boots "Aww heck, now my boots are immovable clusters of rock! :("
Not gonna lie it has been awhile since I've had my boots mountained.
You saying my feet are too big?
It almost works as a super obscure local saying from some Appalachian town.
I think if I worked in a place that put such annoyingly trite drivel on the walls, I’d start looking for another job.
Gives you put on and hike, man.