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  • Could have been done just with a well directed animatronic coupled with some basic CGI to enrich some textures and details.

    That's exactly what they did. A full head animatronic of Ian Holm's likeness was built.

    People who claimed to have been at a preview screening say the effect was fully practical, but that it was also a little distracting because it looked like a "muppet" (Their words, not mine.)

    So in the intervening time between previews and release, they have used AI and CGI to apparently make the eyes and lip sync movement smoother for a better effect.

    I agree it looks jarring in the film and I would personally like to see the raw practical shots to see how it looked beforehand.

  • Reminded me of Space Babies.

    Interesting that you pick this as the worst part because what tipped me over the edge was:

    I was cutting it some slack on the long list of references to early films as I was liking what they were doing but that made me go "oh Fuck right off".

    • Ha. I saw it coming I guess, and I figured why not have some fun. Apart from the line, the whole scene was pitched as very triumphant, so I’d say I didn’t like the whole scene that much and the particular bit was just part of it.

  • I noticed this, but it didn't bother me that much. Other than the deepfaked lipsyncing failing 99% of the time, I wouldn't have noticed that anything was amiss. I didn't even think about the voice being AI, but that makes sense to me.

    • Yea it's definitely the sort of thing you can ignore I suppose, we're kinda in that era now with CGI, which is fine.

      What irked me is that when seeing it, I immediately thought everything in my rant. Presuming I know enough about how films are made (perhaps a big if), it was like watching an athlete needlessly trip over themselves ... where to me it was obviously a mismanaged series of shots that could have been done much better.