Create a clip-path
animated ?
Create a clip-path
animated ?
I would like to use a rectangle that move (left to right) to reveal an element
/ image
like this
The white box shall be the image to display
But I'm already block at my svg animation
<svg viewBox="0 0 265.135 68.642" xmlns=""> <g x="-55.790085" y="0.79151762"> <rect style="fill:#ffcc00;stroke-width:2.46513;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;paint-order:stroke fill markers;stop-color:#000000" width="55.465603" height="151.60599" transform="rotate(45)" /> <animate attributeName="x" values="-55.790085;265" dur="5s" repeatCount="indefinite" /> </g> </svg>
Because the rectangle is not moving :'(
Any ideas ?