Coffe/dark academia aesthetic inspired colorscheme
Coffe/dark academia aesthetic inspired colorscheme
- Distro: arch
- Wm: sway
- Terminal: alacritty
- Bar: waybar
- Launcher: rofi
- Prompt: starship
- Shell: zsh
- File Manager: ranger
Dots: here :)
Coffe/dark academia aesthetic inspired colorscheme
Dots: here :)
Wow! The color scheme looks very comfy! Would you be able to also publish it it in the KDE store?
Reminds me of the Morrowind UI
Why are you using rofi on sway out of curiosity? I have found tofi to be a pretty feature complete wayland native alternative for what I did with rofi back on i3 but it looks like you may use more of it's features than I did.
Nevermind, apparently I missed a memo somewhere, rofi (well the fork anyway) is wayland native I guess.
Very nice theming
super swank. Real creative and nice job! Very pleasant.