Can automatic rebooting be disabled on Windows 11 Home?
There appears to be no straightforward way to permanently stop Windows 11 Home from rebooting on its own after installing updates. I looked for workarounds but so far I have only found a script that has to run on a schedule to block the reboot by changing "working hours". (Link.)
Does this prevent other running programs from getting the WM_CLOSE signal (or whatever the signal sent when the computer tries to shut down is)?
Also, Windows 11 Notepad seems to have no problem closing with unsaved text. I think it saves it to a temporary location. Do I have to get legacy Notepad back? (I've found instructions for doing that.)
It doesn't work anymore (at least on win 10) as there was a new notepad released that keeps unsaved content just like notepad++ does
I know for sure as I had notepad opened unsaved the other night and woke up to a rebooted computer with notepad opened and the content restored when I logged in
• Run regedit to open Registry Editor.
• Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU.
• If the keys don’t exist, create them.
• Create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value named NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers and set its value to 1.
It's worth mentioning that you probably can't stop the reboot after the update. You're better off searching how to stop the updates or stop rebooting all together (like the trick mentioned about editing a notepad file).