I keep getting logged out today. Is it just me?
I keep getting logged out today. Is it just me?
The title says it all. Not even sure if it's going to keep me logged in long enough to submit this post.
I keep getting logged out today. Is it just me?
The title says it all. Not even sure if it's going to keep me logged in long enough to submit this post.
Do you have anything that would clear cookies or mess with the jwt you get from logging in in some way?
Not that I can think of. This just started this morning, and I haven't done or installed anything recently that might cause this. If it's only happening to me though....
Are you able to log in and stay logged in on one of the alternate frontends? E.g. https://a.programming.dev
I have the same problem on mobile Firefox on Android. I'm using the default frontend as well. This was not happening a week ago (or maybe 10 days). Started recently.
Brought this same thing up in a post months ago and got quite a bit of downvotes and no help, so I never attempted to bring it up anymore lol. Maybe you'll have better luck. Saving this thread now... Thank you
The workaround I've been using is to just refresh the page. That tends to work... Sometimes... 🫠
I checked your post history, are you talking about this post from a year ago? https://programming.dev/post/749664 (that one has only a couple downvotes which usually is standard as most posts get a couple downvotes though)
Its the kind of thing thats very difficult to solve since not everyone gets it and seems like it pops up randomly (havent been able to clearly reproduce it yet)
Were you also on mobile firefox using the site? Or was the firefox you were using on pc
That was the first post. I posted another one a few months back that I've since deleted, which is probably why you can't see it.
I'm usually on mobile Brave browser on my Android. I'm always appearing to be logged out. But, sometimes, when I refresh, I'm suddenly automatically logged in. Other times I have to just login again.
Yup I realize its hard to to reproduce. Do you have a latest Android with mobile Brave browser you can test with?
I sorta remember this happened, or something like it, try actually clearing your cookies and logging in again. That might make it stick.
Good idea. Thanks.
Well, was a good idea, but alas, I deleted all browsing data (cookies, tabs, the whole shebang), logged back in and was kicked out within a few minutes.
Same thing is happening to me on iPad OS’ Safari. Trying to come from sub.rehab, I had to login on any link coming from there. Refreshing usually didn’t work. The only think that I have here besides base Safari is AdGuard, which I hope it is not interfering or the instance is serving things that are ad-like