Are you waiting for something to change or will you do this for the rest of your life?
I stopped when we had as much vaccine protection as we were going to get and the virus wasn't causing quite as severe disease any more. Forever is a long time.
Frankly eating in all the time was a net positive, I'm in the best shape of my life
Eating out is a lot better for me after I moved to Italy, so there is that. And living in Italy and having to make do with my own cooking would be Very Sad. But yeah, context matters a lot. The Italians took this stuff very seriously the first time around and vaccination rates were really high when I was neaurotically tracking it. I should look up the annual booster rate.
I don't know where you are, but I'd be less comfortable in an air conditioned eatery in Texas than outside a restaurant in Rome (where I was at the height). And with the current numbers I should probably start avoiding crowds and recirculated air again.
Yeah, I live in the US right now but whenever I've been in Europe I've been able to find outdoor dining somewhere. The US just doesn't have nearly as much outdoor dining and the quality of the food is broadly worse anyways