In the Balkans and Turkey you don't own a cat. They just live in your neighborhood.
70 0 ReplyI was wondering why the value was so low when I've heard Turkiye lovessss their cats. (Kinda makes me want to move there lol)
7 0 ReplyI've seen Kedi - like... cats must be considered a public good for numbers so low.
5 0 ReplyThe cats own you!
3 0 Reply
Looks like the cats are nearing majority rule in Romania, I wonder how much longer until they start pushing through cat leaning legislation?
26 0 ReplyOnce it passes the threshold, anyone adopting a cat will be entitled to fully paid caternity leave.
10 0 Reply
Ownership might not be the best word ...
Perhaps how many households are inhabited by cats?
Or just cats per capita?
22 0 ReplyCats per capita would be a very different map in the east, like Greece and Turkey. They have a lot of street cats that are taken care of by the neighborhood.
16 0 ReplyYeah there's no cats in Turkish households because they're all chilling in the streets of Istanbul
11 0 Reply2 more
But now I need the dog version of this.
10 0 ReplyPortugal cyk blyat!
7 1 Reply“owning”
6 1 ReplySlovakia with the highly effective border patrol
3 0 ReplyI'd like stats on the Vatican, plz.
1 0 ReplyWhich country is CHE?
1 0 ReplyWell, that's where Switzerland is, but I have no idea why it's labeled CHE.
6 0 ReplyIt comes from the Latin name for Switzerland; Confoederatio Helvetica
12 0 Reply2 moreLooks like the 3-letters version:
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