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Olympics Day 12 Megathread (Wednesday, 7th August)

  • Race walking is such a funny sport. They all cheat, they all know they all cheat. The judges know they all cheat. It's just a question of whether the judges see them cheating, and they aren't allowed to use any special equipment like cameras to detect the cheating. I can't think of any other sport that's so blatant about it.

    The speeds they go are seriously impressive though. Most people couldn't run to keep up with them for more than about a kilometre, if that.

    • Ha! As the Spaniard approached the finish line she reached out to high five some Spanish supporters in the crowd. They had big flags, and I thought she was gonna take one of their flags to cross the line with.

  • Hells yeah. Australia overtaking France in the medal table last night!