A cool guides of the English roads throughout the Ages
A cool guides of the English roads throughout the Ages
A cool guides of the English roads throughout the Ages
Yes, the squids of antiquity traveled by way of chalk!
It very gentle to walk on with their tentacles.
Modern road isn't just asphalt and rock, there are layers of different rock and dirt packed down to provide a solid structure for it to sit on. Asphalt doesn't have bend strength, it's really just holding everything together.
Where is the layer of nougat?
I went and saw the remains of George Washingtons house and it was buried like 10-15 feet underground. All the signs were talking about wars and stuff but not where the tons and tons of dirt came from.
The medieval road looks like concrete, but I would have expected it to be just a mud track.
Concrete itself is roman era, tons of it in Roman ruins if you know where to look.
I think a mud track with occasional bits of gravel is basically what the display is suggesting, it's just that the mud is dry.