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What is your machine naming scheme?

I've ended up with a number of machines on my network, and a need to name them all in a somewhat logical way. For several years I had them named after the planets, which worked well until the PCs for myself, my girlfriend, servers and Raspberry Pi's quickly summed up to more than the eight planets. I've broadened it somewhat to include any Greek/Roman mythological figure, but the system is definitely not as clean as it used to be.

Do you have a coordinated naming theme for your machines?

  • A friend of mine names all his hosts afer famous battleships, his dad names every host after Star Trek ships and their wireless networks are all named after LOTR locations.

    As for me, each hostname consists of the device type and the location of the host, no matter if it's local or a vps in a datacenter somewhere.

  • Physical machines get stars names: Vega, Arcturus, Polaris, Fomalhaut, Deneb, Antares, Procyon, Algol, Aldebaran... and so on.

    Virtual machines naming scheme is more reasonable: [os]-[role][number if needed]. Examples:

    • alp-proxy
    • talos-controlplane-3, talos-worker-1, talos-worker-6
    • deb-storage
    • I use the same as you for virtuals(os-mainFunction), and similar for physical (brand-lpt/dsk/srv-mainUsage - Len-lpt-VR1, Srfc7-work, hp-srv-pve1).
      I am boring like that.
      I also don't name vehicles.

  • I use names of mice from popular movies and TV shows. I use this list.

    I know it's not useful, but it's fun to me. I would never use it in a professional environment.

  • Desktops and PCs are just OS name and version. Proxmox cluster is Ankh-Morpork (from Disc world) and nodes are Ankh Morpork street names: Treacle Mine, Pseudopolis Yard, Attic Bee, etc.

  • @aquova

    Call me boring but

    First 3 = OS/appliance type
    Next 3 = Purpose/role
    Last Character = Environment / lane
    (numbers added if more than one)

    Having a server called "Enterprise" is cool ... but when I get an email saying WINNASP or RHLFTPQ are down, it's much more useful and descriptive.

  • I don't remember where I started, but for a long time it was Firefly characters. I had to dig deep enough to name a system YoSaffBridge.

    Then I switched to gemstones from Steven Universe. Which I still use for mostly for "end user devices", i.e. desktops, mobile, cars (mine is peridot).

    The functional stuff and the VMs I name by function. Router is router, switches are sw-0#, pihole-0#, minecraft, plex, ipam (yes I have an ipam for my network), etc...

    It's simpler and I like to be able just ssh/browse to "function" than trying to remember that ipam is on bismuth.

    Years of working for a company that did lots of acquisitions, where I had to deal with integrating whimsically named infrastructure, gave me a strong appreciation for a functional and consistent naming scheme.

  • Battlestar Galactica years ago. Dradis for the domain name and ships for the computers.

    Galactica.dradis Pegasus.dradis Basestar.dradis And so on. Made it fun.

  • I used to name my cloud VMs after Monogatari characters but now I just settle with xxn.domain.tld so it's easy to remember when I need to SSH into one.

    • xx = shortcode for which service the VM is from (for example Azure = az, DigitalOcean = do)
    • n = VM number from 1-9


  • I use Quake 3 characters names: doom, crash, sorlag, razor, bitterman, xaero, ...

  • I kept the naming scheme I used when I was doing independent tech support: snack bars. People got a chuckle when they heard "Kit Kat was misbehaving". So I kept it for my servers, Kit Kat, Toaster & Strudel, and Snickers

  • I use planets from dune:

    • Caladan: Plex, podgrab
    • Arrakis: Nextcloud
    • Corrin: Baby buddy
    • Lampadas: Deluge
    • GeidiPrime: Gitea
    • Kaitain: Reverse proxy
  • All my devices get named after cities. I try to make it somewhat relevant to the purpose of the machine.
    Usually things related to the device (e.g. network shares) get named after neighbourhoods in the respective cities.

    • File server: SARAJEVO,
    • Work laptop: SEATTLE,
    • Phone: BARCELONA,
    • Media box: CANNES.

    My boyfriend names all of his devices after planetary bodies, much like OP.
    Thing related to the devices are named after the moons of the respective planet.

    • Main PC: SATURN,
    • File server: JUPITER,
      • Shares: GANYMEDE,
    • Phone: PLUTO,
    • Laptop: CHARON.

    (He just realised that last one is inconsistent, and is renaming it to MERCURY)

  • I always come up with a naming scheme and then immediately forget it either because I'm in a rush setting up a computer and forget to name the machine or because I get tired of trying to keep track of which machine is what.

  • Names from various Final Fantasy titles. Playable character names for workstations. Names of summons for servers. Names of cities and locations for networking devices. Names of Moogles for some services that I wanted to give a unique name.

    I generally like to take a whole "universe" for naming schemes. Star Trek is another favoured one, since you get a variety of names in different categories. Characters, Ships, Places, etc.