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Any of the rest of yall struggle to play through games a second time? Like I'm adhd I need new stimulation pretty constantly.

If I'm going to play through a game again. It had to have at least been 3 years or so. Enough that i can remember a lot of the story and set pieces.

For me, games are almost like books. I play/read it once and I'm done a lot of the time.

  • I don't have enough time to replay games. Too many new ones to play, plus my backlog. I'll never get back to BG3 for another playthrough. That's for sure.

    • Thays what prompted this topic. I just played bg3 like 10 months ago for an 110 hour play through. And was going to play through it again and was already getting bored a few hours in, so I dropped the playthrough.

      It's going to have to be a couple years before I replay a big rpg like that

  • I have to really enjoy the movement or combat mechanics of a game to even consider revisiting it, but once I find a game like that it ends up being a game I consistently play multiple times throughout the years.


    • The entire Monster Hunter Franchise (I've probably beaten Monster Hunter Freedom Unite 5 times)
    • Both Mirror's Edge games
    • Titanfall 2
    • Vanquish
    • Celeste
    • Super Mario Odyssey
    • Yoshi's Island
    • Team Fortress 2
    • Trackmania

    If a game doesn't have excellent movement mechanics and it's a single player game I'll usually drop it in the first few hours. Movement mechanics are my primary factor for whether I'll like a game or not.

  • I have a really bad consumeristic, otaku database animal-like need to constantly experience the new and tackle a fictitious backlog, but I'm also really nostalgic and like re-experiencing stuff I remember loving so it balances out for me.

  • I often get bored trying to replay games unless I add another layer of stimulation like a podcast or something

  • I can replay games from my youth, up until FFX, infinite times. This includes all the psx rpgs like Suikoden 2, FF7/9/Tactics, legend of dragoon, xenogears, and FFX. Any games I've played afterwards, I just don't enjoy replaying for the most part. I think its something about playing games as a kid vs as an adult. Wish I could go back, lol.

  • Very very rarely replay games. Have to be one of my favorites of all time and usually years later and often after it's been rereleased. Ie I replayed Alan Wake when the remaster came out.

    Other than that...

  • Sometimes I am the opposite. I beat Borderlands 2 6 times in one week, once per character, while cycling through each one every few quests.

  • There are some I've replayed, mostly ones that are really designed for it like Sunless Seas/Skies, but for the most part it's one and done, even when I really want to experience the other story lines, I just don't have the motivation to go through the whole thing again. I'd love to see all the new content and other storylines in Disco Elysium, but I'm probably never going to do it.

  • I have ADHD but, I've played variations of the same campaign in my game so many times I lost count. I'm not sure if it's an AuDHD thing or just a regular ADHD thing.

  • The only one I ever have is Disco Elysium just because I felt like I missed a lot in my first play through. I've been thinking of playing a third time also lol.

    Aside from that I can't think of any other game. I tried replaying Elden Ring with a new character for the DLC, but I haven't made much progress. I also wanted to replay Legend of Dragoons to relive my childhood, but didn't stick with it. Still might though.

  • Depends on the game, will it take another 60+ hours to finish? Probably not going to play it again for many, many years. Like, I've tried to replay the original Fallout (beat it in the 90's), but every time I sit down to start playing after about 30 minutes I find myself going, "wow... this is a slog".

    Can I beat it 30 minutes or a few hours? Absolutely.

  • I'm kind of the opposite of this. I only play games I have played before. Like doom or serious sam. I dunno why.

  • Like a bisexual at an intersection, I can go either way on this.

    Open-world games like Skyrim, Minecraft, and No Man's Sky? Those are like comfort food, and I keep coming back to them to try out different things, even though most of the time I lapse into the same exact routine. (e.g., haul ass out to Morthal, kill the vampire lord, pick up every alchemy ingredient along the way, brew potions until I can afford the homestead, acquire and build the Hearthfire house with fish hatchery, get through the alchemy, enchanting, and smithing level grinds ASAP and break the in-game economy.)

    With story-driven games, it's more difficult to convince myself to play through it again, even if I have an excuse (e.g., Steam achievement-hunting). This is where I am with Baldur's Gate 3 right now; I did pretty much all of the non-Dark Urge achievements on my first full playthrough, but now I'm trying to do a Durge Honor Mode run and can not bring myself to actually play because I don't want to fuck up my save by doing something stupid like blundering into the harpy fight unprepared or getting trounced by gnolls because I didn't exploit enough environmental mechanics. So I'm pretty much just beating my head against Death Must Die and having a miserable time of it because the RNG is so fickle.

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