DM be like
DM be like
DM be like
DM be like
DM be like
My DM in college asked us if we were ok with a tpk so she could start a campaign she'd done world building on for over a year. Of course we agreed, and she learned that it's just as fun to die as survive while playing
After our first TPK our DM had us play a oneshot that was in reality a mirrored and repainted version of the map we died on. We made death saving throws in the beginning and had to fight the guy that killed us. Around him were dead or knocked out people of strange races we didn't know. We were from kind of an evil cult so we could have opted to kill them. Luckily we opted to take them prisoner, along with their pet. Our characters were one thing but if our pet owlbear were dead!
Next session the dead made new characters and rescued the survivors from the cult.
Entering my Gygaxian arc.
Hopefully without the rampant, proud misogyny and racism
I don't tend to use 'gygaxian' as a positive descriptor, Arneson deserves far more credit, anyway.