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The Ongoing Censorship of High School AP Courses The Ongoing Censorship of High School Advanced Placement Courses: Book Censorship News, July 26, 2024

If THE HANDMAID'S TALE has been in the AP curriculum for a decade, how come it's suddenly a problem now?

The Ongoing Censorship of High School Advanced Placement Courses: Book Censorship News, July 26, 2024
  • I encourage everyone who sees this comment to check out the article, including the giant list of related stories at the bottom, and see if there's anything going on near you. There's a ton of stuff from many different states mentioned -- Wisconsin, Idaho, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Texas, California, Missouri, Arizona, Michigan, Virginia, Arkansas, South Carolina... Even if there's nothing in your local area, you should be vigilant about what's going on in your local area, and be active in local government.

    If you're an elections geek (like me) or have friends in the St. Petersburg, Florida area, you might want to know about that one crazy candidate, Danielle Marolf, for Pinellas County school board (Florida, basically St. Petersburg) who's lying about the availability of a book that's already been banned, and campaigning on this lie. Marolf is running against incumbent school board chair Laura Hine in this year's school board elections.