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Stop faffing around with duckdns and use Tailscale

I've been trying for yonks (>two full days, plus crashing HA along the way) to get duckdns to work on my home assistant, so that I can remote access it from my telephone. Without success. There are pages and pages of people trying to get it to work, with multiple suggestions, mostly without success. I then came across Tailscale, it took me all of ten minutes to set it up, and WORKING. Whow, so hope this helps anybody trying to get remote access to their home assistant. This is not a publicity for Tailscale or Duckdns, just I'm so pleased to get it finally working.

  • Tail scale is great but the way its magic dns works has broken my device's Internet more than thrice. Primarily on Android (there's a long standing bug report) but also on Linux (before I fixed the firewall). If Android is your primary device I would absolutely not recommend tail scale for ha.

    The problem is that to make magic dns work, it has to override your local dns settings, which is fine until it breaks. For example, if private DNS is enabled in Android (which it is by default) then when your phone switches networks, dns straight up doesn't work until you toggle TS off and on. Which means your internet doesn't work. And magic dns is "needed" to get a TS https certificate (if you have another valid cert, this is less important).

    On my Android I have private DNS on and a tasker profile to toggle TS whenever the network changes. It is not ideal.

  • Tailscale works great for me. The only thing I can't seem to do is http post between the three servers I have running.

  • Huh, duckdns was one of the very first integration I did with my HA installation. It was pretty straightforward to setup using these directions and it's been super reliable.

    Wireguard was also pretty straightforward using these directions and it too has been very reliable.