I’m just a big teddy bear really. ( nothing was ever proven.) 😌 scared player noises
I’m just a big teddy bear really. ( nothing was ever proven.) 😌 scared player noises
I’m just a big teddy bear really. ( nothing was ever proven.) 😌 scared player noises
So true.
I once put a kind older woman NPC in a cabin as a rest spot for our party. She was very confused by the party spending their entire battery of anti-trap techniques.
I finally broke and just told the party, "as gamemaster, there's nothing here, really. Please take your long rest and get your zone-of-truth and ward against evil back, you're going to need them, but this isn't when."
Oh, and that is totally a thing that can happen!
I’m so glad that you told them.
This is a little bit of a different situation…
The first villain was an elegant vampire. The second building is a cross between Pennywise, Jeffrey Dahmer in the skin, some murderer from the first pathfinder adventure path.
But I really appreciate your attitude! Yeah, as both a forever player in the forever game master in two different groups, I have been guilty of that definitely.
The struggle is real.