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  • Sea of Stars! It's great so far. I only like turn based RPGs once in a blue moon, and this one really hooked me

  • Baldur's Gate 3

    It's incredible so far. I just made it out of Act 1. For the most part, you can come up with plans and ideas on your own, and they'll usually work, which makes you feel like a genius, but I have to call out two times that this specifically did not work the way I thought they would.

    some light spoilers ahead

    Early on, there's a target that you have to either eliminate or side with, and I choose to side with them, with the express purpose of getting them to let their guard down so that I can separate them from the group and eliminate them. The dialogue options even allude to the fact that this is a strategy they want you to use. This target wants you to sneak into another (good) faction and open a gate for a bloodbath of an assault on that faction, but the target also leaves their battle plans out in the open. So I figure I'd steal the battle plans, give them to the other faction, and just not open the gate, and then that target dies. Well, it doesn't work that way, and progressing that far along with the target invalidates the other quest entirely. Bummer.

    The second is a fight right near the end of Act 1 where you've got to eliminate or side with a target again, in a room with a lot of lava, some slaves you can try to rescue, and a lot of enemies. Depending on how the dialogue goes right before the encounter, you either side with the target against the room full of enemies (but the slaves die), or you fight everyone. There are about 15 enemies in the room, which means they get a lot more turns than you, and since they're all grouped in that room, there's no real way to isolate them and take them out stealthily ahead of the encounter. I tried using a bard Performance to get them to all clump up so that I could push large groups of them into the lava, which was fairly effective, but then the slaves would join that group too, and it was very easy to aggro them. Worse still is that the slaves will happily fight you if you aggro them, but they won't join you to fight the other enemies in the room that enslaved them, let alone the target you're trying to eliminate. The only way I found through it was to reload an earlier save and to make different dialogue choices with a particular NPC so that some of those 15 enemies end up on my side in that fight when the time comes.

    end of spoilers

    The game usually lets me get away with whatever crazy plan I come up with, but I just wish these two points so far were a bit more flexible.

  • Baldur's Gate 3 on my partner's days off when he wants to play games, that game is That Game, so freaking good, I think about it all the time. Because I don't want to progress the game past our co-op session's progress, and I've replayed Act 1 solo a few times over by now, I am back with good ol' Skyrim otherwise.

    I know it is a meme, but I genuinely have the thing of only modding and not playing Skyrim. I am proud to say I am at a point where I just play, instead of finding more mods. I feel like I have a pretty stable modlist, seldom crash, and this is because last winter I spent a lot of time with the crashlogger thing weeding out problematic mods. It is really hard not to go to nexus, I actually don't visit it anymore at all, it is intense FOMO when I see others' screenshots. My main achievement is that upon returning to Skyrim after a break, I even picked up my same character instead of starting over with fresh mods--it was like, not giving up progress.

  • Voices of the Void. Because I like the subtle feeling of dread and knowing any action could result in something horrific.

    Factorio. Optimization can always be improved upon.

    Kenshi. Finally got my base built. Only cost a few arms and legs.... and some of them weren't mine!

  • Just finished Rakuen not too long ago and I love(d) it. The game play is really simple, any of the puzzles are simple enough, the music is for the most part pretty solid, and the story was pretty good. Nothing to complain about besides how short it is.

    Not sure what the next big game I'll be playing is, but I have been thinking about saying screw it and playing Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters again.

  • Trying to beat Spider-Man before Spider-Man 2 comes out next month. Also finally got around to Stardew Valley. I need to finish off Horizon Zero Dawn. Too many games, not enough time, the exact opposite of my childhood lol!

  • I'm on vacation, so I've returned to my default Steam Deck game: Wildermyth. I love its storytelling, particularly with carrying characters over from one campaign to another. I've grown particularly attached to the warrior from my first campaign, now fully fire-transformed. However, he's moved on from his first love, who is now far too crow-like.

  • Working my way through completely exploring the entire world of Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I really love this game, but goddamn is it enormous. I'm about 75% in.

    And just picked up the switch port of Red Dead Redemption. Really glad to be able to play this one without dragging out the 360. Still an awesome game, and a damn good port.

  • Can finally rum 2077 so in the last third or so of that. Flipping over to BATTLE TECH when I need something slower.

  • Rogue Legacy 2, Elder Scrolls Online, and I recently found out about this procedurally generated BMX game called Descenders that's kinda tough but fun.

  • I finished Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, it was ok. I kinda brute-forced my way through the game, basically only doing physical damage, only using one or two healers (who were shooting at range most of the time). The game had a bunch of really unfun mechanics, that I didn't like at all, so I'm not sure if I'll play any of the other Infinity Engine games.

    I also finished the Quake 2 base game and started with the first expansion. Like I said last week, I definitely like the sci-fi environment more than the medieval one in Quake 1 and the weapons are better as well.

    Despite being a bit disappointed with BGEE, I still want to play a CRPG right now, so I was going back and forth between a few different ones. In the end I started Pillars of Eternity again, hoping to finally finish it, at least the base story. This was actually my first RTwP game, and I played it years ago, the last time in 2018, when I actually made it to the final dungeon and I think the actual last boss fight of the (base) game, but stopped for some reason. Anyway, I'll give it another shot, and so far I like the gameplay a lot more than Baldur's Gate 1. The game is much more recent of course, although it was only released three years after the Enhanced Edition. Everything feels just much smoother. For a change, I'm playing a wizard this time (BG3 and BGEE I mainly used physical damage, either melee or ranged, 80% of the time).

    • I just played through Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, and the game is incredibly straight forward until you come across some weird thing that nullifies all of your damage; or AoE stuns your entire party; or requires a +3 weapon in order to land a hit; or de-levels your characters; etc. I don't think it's the Infinity Engine to blame so much as the encounter design. It's been about ten years, but I remember having a much better time with Planescape: Torment.

      • I'm not blaming the Infinity Engine, just the systems that are used in BG, although I have no idea how much comes from the D&D rules, and how much was Bioware. I would have thought all those games use very similar rules, but I don't really know.

        At least in the first game, I didn't encounter too many problems. Of course there are a bunch of mages, that just regularly cast Feeblemind or another "stun" on my whole party, but that's where the brute forcing came into play. I'd either reload a bunch of times, until I got lucky with the rolls, or occasionally split up the party, so just the unimportant characters would get hit, and my main character would clean up the fight. Three fights were a bit harder, so I chugged potions and used buffs (the two demons from the Durlag's Tower story and the final boss).

        In the mid 2000s I played the beginning of Neverwinter Nights, and remember liking it, but not really anything else about the game. Back then, I definitely didn't know what D&D was. I always wanted to try it again, but now, after BG, I'd read up about it a bit before I give it a shot.

        Planescape Torment was also something I regularly thought about playing, mainly because I read so much about how you can just talk yourself through most conflicts, so if you play your cards right, you can get away with little fighting. But just like Neverwinter, I'd have to read up on the systems they use before I decide.